Get Answers to your Questions - FAQs – W3 Shopping
Yes, we only sell genuine products. As the official distributor of DJI in Pakistan, we take pride in providing our customers with high-quality products that meet their needs.
Yes, all our products come with warranties that are provided by the manufacturer. You can be assured that your purchase is protected and will be taken care of if any issues arise.
As the official distributor of DJI in Pakistan, we offer the best possible prices on all our products, including spare parts and accessories. You can be confident that you are getting a competitive price on genuine products.
You can place an order by visiting our website, Simply browse through our product selection, select the items you want to purchase, and proceed to checkout. If you need any assistance, our customer service team is always available to help.
Delivery times may vary depending on your location and the shipping method you choose at checkout. We will provide you with an estimated delivery time when you place your order. If you have any questions about the delivery of your order, please contact our customer service team.
We accept a variety of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and cash on delivery. You can choose the payment method that is most convenient for you during checkout.
Yes, we are the official distributor of DJI in Pakistan. You can be confident that all our DJI products are genuine and backed by the manufacturer's warranty.
Yes, we only sell genuine products. As the official distributor of DJI in Pakistan, we take pride in providing our customers with high-quality products that meet their needs.
Mostly our delivery time is confirmed before taking orders from customers but if any customs issues or any sudden governmental changes or restrictions in Pakistan it may be extended by up to 2 weeks.
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